
A series of individual collections of manuscripts originating from over 40 astronomers. The manuscripts collections mainly consist of observation notebooks, journals, letters and correspondence. See also RAS Additional Manuscripts.
BAILY Letters and papers of Francis Baily (1774–1844). 1. Correspondence. Letters to Baily, arranged alphabetically by correspondents, who include: G. B. Airy, 1 letter, 1841; C. Babbage, 1, 1823; F. Beaufort, 1, n.d.; J. Bonnycastle, 2, 1798; D…
GREEN Drawings and papers of Nathaniel Everett Green (1823–99). 1. A series of drawings of Mars, numbered 1–45 (3 are missing), made at Madeira, 1877. See Mem., xliv, 123–40. 2. Drawings of Mars (16), 1884, 1886, 1888. 3. Drawings of Jupiter,…
LASSELL Observations and papers of William Lassell (1799–1880).   These papers were ordered and listed by J. L. E. Dreyer in 1921. His list is kept with the MSS, and his order has been preserved. 1.1. Notebook: Transits 1842–65. 1.2.…
POGSON Variable star observations of Norman Robert Pogson (1829–91). See Mem., lviii. The references in brackets are to the list of Pogson’s MSS at ibid., pp. xi–xii. 1. Astronomical notebook. Observations and notes, mostly on variable stars. (‘…